Sweet Dreams

In this mixed media painting a little black girl flies through the night in her orange gown and holds the moon while dreaming.

The original painting is on cardboard and includes oil paints and oil pastels. The background swirls were created with puff paint to make them 3D and her dress was made with pieces of coffee filters died with orange and red watercolors. The coffee filters were allowed to dry then they were glued to the surface after which I painted a thin layer of clear finishing glaze. The digital version shows a change in her dress. Instead of a solid orange textured dress the digital version shows flowers with various shades of yellow, orange and red.

Art Details: A bright orange dress, flowing black hair, long eye lashing, black child holding the moon, pink, blue and white swirls, sleeping child under bright stars.

In both versions of this painting the little one dreams peacefully.


Clay Works

The Birds 1These are the first little clay sculptures I’ve done in years. I started working with clay as physical therapy for my hands and found that I thoroughly enjoy it.

The three bird candle holders shown were all done completely differently. The first bird starting from the far left is  clay with a porcelain overlay. The middle bird is only clay and the blue bird to the far right of the screen was sculpted from paper clay. All were air dried and hand painted then sealed with a high gloss acrylic seal. Also included in the photo is the sign that hangs on my fish tank hospital which says, “Fish Care Center: Where Fins Get Fixin’ “  I have a separate little tank for little sick fishes and that’s the sign that hangs on that tank. It’s too cute.

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Square Box Junk Hiders

They’re made of acrylic oil and saw dust on square wooden boxes. The “hiders” can also be arranged on the wall vertically or diagonally, matching edges as you want. I like to make large earth like wall collages out of them by matching up the browns to look like an island and the blues to appear as water. There’s no set way to place these squares.

To get a better idea of what the texture is please see the pieces called Rolling Hills, Out West and Three Oceans.

To create an abstract painting with sawdust follow these simple steps:

Items you’ll need:

Continue reading “Square Box Junk Hiders”


“Home” is a simple oil and acrylic painting with a childlike feel.  The idealistic setting of a white house and white picket fence is painted on textured cardstock. Instead of brightening the rainbow I used darker blues and a darker red then added a dark frame. This adds a nice “grown up” feel to a timeless setting.


“Home” is now available in my Etsy shop.

Thank you for visiting SUNDRIP- Art for Life

Faith Magdalene Austin

Sisters on Vacation

sisters on vacation

The little sister to the big sister says,
I’m mom’s favorite
Big sister: What? No you’re not
Little sister: Sure I am, she told me just yesterday.
Big sister: She can’t like you too much, she made you come out here in the middle of nowhere in this blazing heat.
Little sister: I can’t argue with that.


Playful, colorful and fun is two sisters laying around on a lazy day in the sun. The big sister looks so annoyed by her sibling’s so-called family status and strikes to burst her bubble with a bit of reality. Family vacations, they’re only fun when you cartoon them.

Painting details: High texture, high color, solid black faces, exaggerated features such as ears and eyes, large eye lashes, floral buttons, polka dots and swirling water.

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Copyright 2009-2010 Sundrip Journals

Three Oceans, Three Pearls

Three Oceans Three Pearlspurple blue
I purchased polymer clay for $1.79 and liquid adobe clay for 90 cents. I then formed the clay, baked it for 20 min at 250 degrees, let it dry, painted it, sealed it and added hooks. These quarter size pearls were created specifically to match the three paintings I called Three Oceans which are shown in the above photograph. The paintings and the medallions have an earthy feel which is exactly what I was going for.

Continue reading “Three Oceans, Three Pearls”

Recycle Plastic Bag Holder Doll

I wanted something cuter than a regular plastic bag holder  so I added an African-American rag doll with angel wings to a bag I already had.  The doll itself is hand stitched and hand painted. I painted her skin with burnt umber oil paints then allowed it to dry. She was heat treated then sealed. I then added facial features and hair from a doll purchased forever ago. I have to say I like the finished product. I think what I like about her is she has a slight primitive appeal.  I really like primitive black dolls but for this project I only wanted soft prim.

My plastic bag holder is currently hanging by the door so I can remember to return the bags for recycling when I go back to the store.

Thanks for visiting SUNDRIP – Art for Life


Tulips To Music

Tulips To Music is part of my Flower A Day Project.

On a canvas sheet I printed the music to the song Beautiful by Christina Aguilera. I then painted open tulips in oils, added a few minor details digitally and viola, there you have it, “Tulips To Music.”

One of the details I appreciate about this painting is the hint of a heart in the clouds above the flowers. The oils used really make this painting shine. They were a gift that has been much appreciated.

Spring may be far off but flowers are forever when planted on canvas.

Faith-Magdalene Austin