………from my sketch journal.
This is representative of me doing my stretches during the evening to relax before bed.
Sundrip Journals
Goodbye flowers, hello cold. It seems during the cold I’ve lost artistic inspiration so I filled my sketch diary with paintings inspired by lack of inspiration.
Goodbye sunny flowers. It’s oh so cold these days.
The sun rays have left, they took with them my ability to create.
At the table in my under pants I sit and wait.
‘Best Friends’ shows two flower girls, one with red petal hair, one with yellow petals standing in a field holding a diamond pink heart. The girls have peachy skin and big smiles. One dress is vibrant blue with gold trim and matching slippers. The other dress is ruby red with matching slippers.
This is a mixed media original painting created with oil paints, glitter glue pens and touches of gel pen.
Please see my Etsy shop for more views of this painting as well as pricing. Links and contact information are on the sidebar.
Title: Best Friends
Art by: F. Magdalene Austin
Why do we let the weather man lie? He says it’ll only be a light shower then the rain will stop. Two days later and it hasn’t stopped raining. We pay this man to lie to us. Why? Why do we do this? Why do I keep listening to this man, hanging on his every word as if it were gospel?
In this painting the forecast was clear sunny skies high of 80 degrees. Click to view this painting larger. By doing so you’ll be able to see the poor soul going down the hill then up to her strangely illuminated home.
Obviously I’m having a great time with watercolors and my new sketch diary 🙂 My goal for the diary is to draw the basics, everyday things with my own little twist.
Title: The Ominous Rainy Day
Art by: F. Magdalene Austin
This one of a kind hand sewn, hand painted African-American (black) rag doll stands 30 inches tall and wears a green and cream home spun dress with red accents. She has two gold ribbons in her long black hair and a red wool beret. Little black patent leather shoes and white socks adorn her feet. A sweet smile and big brown eyes were hand painted to make this doll one special creation.
Note: Because her skin is hand painted she does not have the cuddly feel of most cloth dolls. For this reason she is listed as ornamental, a shelf sitter or bed doll.
Removable clothing
Removable shoes and socks
Three removable hair ribbons
Heat treated to seal the acrylic paint
This perfect gift will arrive at your door signed, dated and numbered on her bum. She is doll #16.
There are no small parts. Child safe. No glue. The African-American Raggedy Ann doll is not included.
I had no idea I could use a basic crayola marker this way. All I did was draw a little of the picture then brush over it with a wet brush. Some of them I really liked but others I wish I’d done a few things differently.
Copyright 2009-2010 @ Sundrip Journals. All rights reserved.
An Experiment With Crayola Markers – September 29th, 2009 7:50AM EST