Copyright Revisited

Well, Facebook is going to close the account I’ve been using for quite some time because I won’t upload ID to them, however, I’ve had a second FB account since around 2015 that has been unused for months. I went ahead and transferred friends and groups to the 2015 account. Lets hope this is enough to satisfy FB because I don’t have a 3rd account. If FB decides to close down the 2015 account then I’m off FB for good. As I changed things over, a copyright issue came up.

I made a girl mad because I told her she can’t put my art on her blog without written permission and a small user fee. She said she gave proper credit. I said, the art says All Rights Reserved. She thought I was upset with her and said it’s not like we’re talking about Monet. I ignored her snark. She told me it was exposure. She used that word exposure as if somehow that word makes everything better. My eye is twitching right now. lol

Question. Would you be okay if a random company took your FB photo or a photo of your kid you put on your FB page and put it in their ads without telling you? You let them know that you’re in business and that using your image for free is against your long stated policies. They say they can use it because they found it on the internet. Continue reading “Copyright Revisited”

The crazy sale is one day away

paintings, broken clay, handmade flower pendant and items found in nature

ONE DAY SALE – MaryJane16 45% off 1 item March 3rd 2017 or PayPal

(read this really fast like on commercials when they’re giving you the fine print) * International sales included. If you are unable to participate on these sale dates and need a payment arrangement please just use the email address on the sidebar so that we can include you. Please request your extension by February 28th. Remember, I asked for assistance with Mary Jane. I put the need out there, and my need has been filled. If you don’t ask then both sales will be missed.


Mary Jane and the “Fang Fund”

Mary Jane needs another extractions. Her other fang needs to come out and other teeth need to be cared for.

One photo shows her with a fang already removed, the second photo is of my old cat on an old chair with an old soft toy and an old blanket.

As forward as it is, I want to say that any art sales from here on will go to the “Fang Fund” which needs $250.00. I will update the monetary need and I will continue to make art available in the following locations.

Need is now $211

*Available Art” galleries here on Sundrip


If you would like to donate even a buck you may send that donation to my PayPal email address at

(Please do not make purchases from Redbubble as I will not receive funds in time to meet Mary Jane’s needs)

When the $250 has been raised through sales and/or donations, I  remove the note for need. $50 of the needed funds is what I currently owe the vet. $200 is for the full dental work and the other extraction.

Mary Jane is 16 years old and in good health, except for her teeth. She is in a lot of pain, pain I didn’t realize was there until the emergency vet visit the other day.
Thank you,

Community Grabs and Pay it Forward

I’ve updated the Etsy shop with a few new things. I thought I might try digital downloads of tree drawings. Sometimes I see drawings and think, I’d love to paint that. I figure a creative person can take a simple tree drawing, print it on watercolor paper and have some fun for a personal project. Why not? The trees in this entry aren’t offered, this is an example of fun one might have with a simple tree drawing. You’ll find the trees that are available for instant download in the Etsy shop category Community Grabs and Pay it Forward.

The Community Grab Bag and Pay it Forward section of Etsy
Pay it Forward art is Sundrip quality but is meant as a gift to the buyer. The gift is that Pay it Forward art will be as much as a 3rd less than normal prices. Once you accept the PIF gift you must find a way to make a small difference in the life of another person. Digital downloads will be in this section as well as Experimental art. Experimental art  is art created with techniques I’m trying out for the first time such as art on tiles. They may or may not be something someone wants, but I’ll give you the chance to snatch it up. After a time it’ll get tossed because I don’t want to store it.

I think I might have to purchase a few more tiles. I love doing them. I have to work on photographing these things. I have a cell phone that I’m working with…. and shaky hands. This was taken with me leaning my hands on the desk beside a scarf.

Here is Mary Jane making sure this drawing is up to par. She’s been in charge of quality control for years.  That’s Bernhardt the Bear behind her sleeping on the job.

Flip flop the firebelly toad isn’t employed. As a matter of fact she begs a lot.

I really like crickets
crunchy on the outside, soft on the inside

That’s a face only a mother can love. I do, so does her tank mate Steve ‘the Beast’ Austin.

Pertinent links:  Etsy and Redbubble are where you can purchase art, or you can request a Paypal invoice. See the sidebar for my contact info.


Pallet Knives Needed

UPDATE: The knives have been secured along with a small water color pocket set on my wish list. Thank you for the response. Please remember that I often barter and don’t turn down reasonable offers for items on my wish list. The list is kept up to date. When items are received I remove them from the list.

Spatula barter requestWould anyone like to barter?

I’d like to have this new set of pallet knives found on Amazon.

Raih 9 Stainless Steel Special Effect Painting Knife Set Pallet Artist’s Spatula .

These would be so cool to work with abstract paintings. 

If you would like to barter art for these new (not used) knives please contact me. The art piece should be as close as possible to the total price of the knives.

Please see the sidebar for contact information so we can arrange a swap. My Amazon wish list is on the side bar as well and gives the direct link to the pallet knife set. 

Although I’m still creating items that are edge to edge with color and imagery, I still have a strong desire to explore abstract work. These knives will come in handy. There’s such freedom in abstract work but I want to have more control over the media and to create more distinct textures. I believe my primary interest in abstract work is to create abstract seascapes and oceanscapes. A blogger and I agreed that painting water is calming and it draws you in. I love that feeling. 

It’s interesting to see my art change over the years. Although I still paint and draw edge to edge type work and I still pump out paintings created with tea and berries, there’s a drive for more exploration in abstract art.  Continue reading “Pallet Knives Needed”

Sundrip Moves Forward with New Galleries

Since the integration of The People Behind My Eyes with my artwork, I’ve continued trying to make improvements. I’ve attempted to simplify where possible, clean up links and rearrange galleries.

Several galleries have been renamed and reworked, one gallery was deleted and 4 added. I’ve updated the primary About page and included a statement page concerning my desire to keep separate from hatred and division. The statement page called Community Sensibilities is nested under About Me. The menu bar at the top will come in very handy when viewing Sundrip.

Community Sensibilities
* Available Art *
* Featured Art *
Abstract Art
African Americana
Art for and About Children
Art Therapy
Digital Art
Nature and People

The menu bar at the top will come in very handy when viewing Sundrip. You’ll be able to visit the location you choose without having to search all over the place. Checking categories and tags will assist individuals who desire to read on a certain topic within the site.  Of course there’s the part about buying artwork. You’ll find that information by clicking the link called Galleries. That’s the Frequently Asked Questions page.

Even though there are changes with more to come, much will remain untouched. I will continue to blog about the recovery stages a survivor of abuse cycles, as well as the potentially debilitating effects PTSD and Dissociative Identity Disorder can have on a person’s life. The constant changes as the result of chronic pain associated with Lupus, Fibromyalgia and Spinal Stenosis will accompany entries about my therapy sessions, art therapy and interpersonal relationships. To be sure, my art will continue to be influenced by all these things.

As for the stability of the website itself, my Web Mistress and her hubby are working on moving Sundrip to a more stable host. This should take place early next month. Dream Host hasn’t been the most fun I’ve ever had.

Thank you for visiting SUNDRIP – Art for Life.

Storewide Thank You Discount

20% off Discount Code ELEVENTHHOUR1

I’d like to express my thanks further by offering the very first ever storewide discount. In all my years of public and private sales I have given 3 discount coupons to individuals. This is the first public discount at 20% off store wide. Share on social media if you will.

Although you are seeing the Etsy Mini, you may still purchase through PayPal and receive 20% off. The discount code should be entered at checkout.



The Eleventh Hour

I tried in a very nonchalant way to direct all payments of art to my PayPal account because I was losing my Etsy shop. It was going to be suspended on the 21st because I wasn’t able to pay them $8 in fees to keep that shop open. In one way I thought it would be okay because I’ve been thinking for a very long time that I need to simplify matters and bring all sales here to Sundrip through PayPal. Even though that is my goal, this very moment is not the time for that.

I sent out a quick email to several people I know on Etsy explaining that as if the 21st I’d offer originals on Sundrip only. I explained that despite it not being under my control to solely offer paintings Sundrip, that I’d grow from the suspension and subsequent closure of my shop. The suspension and closed Etsy shop would force my hand to do what I’d been saying I want to do. Well, in a 11th hour turn around, I made a sale of 3 paintings and a doll. It’s more than enough to keep the Etsy shop open and gives me time for a smoother transition to using Sundrip to a fuller degree. I’m amazed, exhausted and grateful for the 11th hour grace.

At this time you may still purchase original work from either Etsy or the Sundrip website.

With gratitude,

Just a moment

I need a minute to gather myself. I need to get some things on this website fixed and update galleries. This includes scanning new art.

No more poetry blogs for a few days. I’m going to miss out on art journal pages, dinner for one, awesome photos of insects and comics.

In addition to the site, I’ve got regular studying to do along with a half day Bible Assembly program on disk to listen to. I wasn’t able to be there in person so I get to listen to the recording.

I’ll be back as soon as I make headway over here.
