The faceless figure with the yellow shirt walks down a path of glowing red earth with gold, turquoise, midnight blue and green at his feet. The path he leaves behind is black but it is not void. It shares gold mist that holds the red moon electrified with white energy. Continue reading “Glow”
Month: August 2014
Walk with Me
Paint has dripped down the canvas like rain, sheets and layers of bold rain. Every color of the rainbow can be found mixed in, behind, in front of and between two young girls who are opposites. Continue reading “Walk with Me”
Midnight Blue Release
Blue. That color has been in my head for weeks now. Blue, midnight blue. Something’s brewing. I wonder how it will culminate on canvas.
I’m holding on to this one, whatever it is, whatever this painting is in my head I’m holding on to it, refusing for now to put it on canvas. I remember this feeling when I was in college. I had an idea for a painting. I could FEEL it but I waited and waited until I was nearly in a frenzy before I picked up a brush. It was desperation, a boiling over of every emotion detained for how ever long its sentence. Continue reading “Midnight Blue Release”