Title: That Young Girl Art by: F. Magdalene Austin 6×8 canvas board, acrylic and ink painting, original SOLD She’s washed in color, draped in it. Her sad eyes look out at the viewer not for assistance but to offer it, to offer and explanation. This painting is in expression of life…
Month: January 2013
Tin Man Wood Panel Painting
Art Title: Tin Man Art by: F. Magdalene Austin DETAILS: A silver and black figure poses as water drips over his shoulder. In one hand large fish dangle, the other is to his side and swirls to a close. On his chest is a gold that drips down mixing with…
Infused Oils
I’ve tried something new, infused oils. For this particular batch I used grapeseed oil to infuse hand cut, hand dried flowers to create a wonderfully fragrant infused oil that has many applications. This oil is not a perfume. Its strongest scent is brought out when used in the bath or…
Willow – Handmade African-American Rag Doll
The Willow doll is 18 inches and full of sweet joy. She’s handmade and lovely. Willow is wearing a printed green dress that shows her love for nature. Her apron if filled with wildflowers picked by her own two hands. Curly-q tree branches were dipped in purple, pink and white…
Birds on Fallen Trees
Birds on Fallen Trees – 9 x 8 clay and wood sculpture created almost entirely with found items. The cobble stones in clay were found items, the twigs are from 5 fallen trees, the birds are from a recycled art piece, real Pekin duck feathers have been added as well…