I struggled with her. I couldn’t get the composition to sing, so I put the painting up and let it rest. Nearly a month later I took it out again and saw what it needed. I needed fresh eyes and a little boost, which inadvertently came from a fun conversation on Facebook. Note in the conversation the Star Trek tones. :-)Â I will simply do a cut/paste about Joyful Garden, a painting of acrylic and sawdust on canvas sheet.
Sundrip -Lets see how DRAMATIC I can make this.
Artists log: 9/2/13 Sundrip Star Station Awake
We left the station around 9am (station bed). The air was thick with heat, my tongue had dried to jerky through the night. Water, I needed water. After re-hydrating I began to calculate the day’s activities, for there is much to do. The sweeper has sat in its own dust for days, the dishes cry out for water, the plants are past watering. Yes, there is much to do today but my heart can only see the fulfillment of paint on canvas, of images beaming with color. Burnt orange will meet Chinese red and settle upon a light cream. From there a prism will burst forth into a natural symphony ringing notes that will bring the hardest of hearts to its knees. The sweeper will sit. The dishes will go undone. Art will be born.
Sundrip Star Station… Awake
Continue reading “Joyful Garden – A Saga”
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