Gloria – The Other Child

Gloria ( Éponine ) fmaArt Title: Gloria
Art by: Faith Magdalene Austin
Size: 5.5 × 8.5
Medium artists paper, Crayola Crayon, ink
signed on the front and back, heat sealed but no acrylic seal.

NOTE: The watermark lines that go through her face are not on the original painting.

The character Éponine is my second favorite character in Victor Hugo’s Les Misérables. For me, she stands for every person who has fallen just a few inches short of glory. She’s the most obvious choice because she’s been there from the beginning but the other person can’t see. Her love is loyal yet silent. She is heroic, selfless and always second.

The painting shows a young girl in a shadowed world. She’s holding herself. Her eyes are wide with sorrow but they are still beautiful. Crayola crayon layers create a sense of depth and emotion that contrast with, but complement the young child. Small white strikes in her sky show nearly as much as the vast arena of color which the lower half of her body fades into.

The original painting “Gloria” can be found in my Etsy shop with many other original works of art.

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