Many years ago I painted with a computer program. I painted stroke by stroke instead of with filters, making each line very personal. I printed off postcard art and offered it under my name, Sundrip. It was many years and many experiences ago. Recently I found a stack of the…
Category: Lupus
Out with the Hospital, in with the Clinic
I made all my appointments at the hospital every six months since 2018 but it was time for a change. I’m seeing the same doctor just at a clinic associated with the hospital. I’m happy I made the change. People spoke to each other in the clinic and it wasn’t…
Brief Medical Hospital Stay
I’m home from a brief medical hospital stay but in the entry I’ve lead with emotional issues. I have to admit I am emotionally excitable and I cry at the drop of a hat. Today I cried my eyes out concerning the CNA who left. I was crying because I…
Fear of Others Forgetting, Leaving, Criticizing.
To most I don’t look nearly as unhealthy as I am. Will people move on and expect me to keep up bc they think I look like I can? Will people remember how bad it was physically and emotionally and have grace for me when I get messed up during…
Content – Dissociative Identity Disorder, Uncontrolled weight gain, CNA in public. Dr. D hasn’t changed my diagnosis. He still recognizes the disorder. He wanted to know if I believe that ‘they’ are all me and not actually separate. I said, I know it’s impossible to have more than one person…
At War With Myself – Disordered Eating
Content – Disordered eating. Binge eating, no purge. Shame. Hopeless feelings. Anxiety. Inpatient for medication management. I had therapy today where it was decided that I’ll have a short set time with extra home care. I’ll be adding a 3 hr day to Saturday until the beginning of the year….
This week in photos: Stress. Pets. Art.
Joe has finally won over the CNA. She likes him quite a bit. Joe doesn’t climb in the chair she usually sits in but he does rest under it now. I’ve been doing more art with Scriptures and scriptural thoughts. This little 8×5-ish painting is for a good friend of…
Put Up or Shut Up
Content – Domestic Violence, sexual abuse, negative family response to child abuse, emotional, CNAs You know how you listen to a person complain but they fail to change what they’re complaining about? You try to be supportive but you just end up frustrated because the person will not make a…
Freedom. Up Hill Battle.
I paid a heavy price in pain for a little bit of freedom from my wheelchair. I decided to walk about 100 feet up a ramp to my apartment. I needed to stand up at my normal 5 foot 3, and see the world from the angle I was accustom…
Bad Things Happen to Good People
It’s sobering to think that no matter what we do or don’t do, bad things happen, sometimes in rapid succession. There’s an historic example of a man who lost loved ones, employees, finances and his health in no time flat. When I think about his life before disasters struck, I…