Art Tearing Out

The first time I remember nearly losing my mind over art was in the year 2000. I settled into a nice apartment with a woodland name and set up an area to paint. There was an image in my head that needed to be painted, but I wasn’t ready to let it go. I kept holding it in until I had what I needed to put it down in paint.

I’ve been going to the same Hobby lobby since 1999, here in Indy. They knew me as the artist who would pace the canvas isle searching for the right size. Sometimes I’d find it but it wasn’t time to put it on canvas so I’d wander over to the paint section and choose something just right.

The art felt like it was boiling inside me, just swirling and rolling around. It was bliss and burden put together. But that was the point, I didn’t want that art piece on canvas until it broke out of me.

Continue reading “Art Tearing Out”

The Silent Loud One

Ariel Knew it Would Rain - SOLD
Ariel Knew it Would Rain – SOLD

I did not expect this painting to ever be chosen, to be taken home. I couldn’t believe when I got the email telling me of the sale for “Ariel Knew it Would Rain.”

She’s art that’s difficult to look at because, though she is silent, her face tells you everything. What use does one have for a few words when they are the picture worth a thousand? I’m amazed and touched that she was purchased, and humbled too.

Sometimes I am so raw with my art. It is clear I’m not a happy camper. It’s clear the painting came from pain. When I do that I worry about saying exactly what the painting was about but recently I’ve taken more risks and just saying, hey, this is what I was thinking, this is what I felt before, during and after. It’s a risk I’ll continue to take because with art my voice is most authentic.


Pallet Knives Needed

UPDATE: The knives have been secured along with a small water color pocket set on my wish list. Thank you for the response. Please remember that I often barter and don’t turn down reasonable offers for items on my wish list. The list is kept up to date. When items are received I remove them from the list.

Spatula barter requestWould anyone like to barter?

I’d like to have this new set of pallet knives found on Amazon.

Raih 9 Stainless Steel Special Effect Painting Knife Set Pallet Artist’s Spatula .

These would be so cool to work with abstract paintings. 

If you would like to barter art for these new (not used) knives please contact me. The art piece should be as close as possible to the total price of the knives.

Please see the sidebar for contact information so we can arrange a swap. My Amazon wish list is on the side bar as well and gives the direct link to the pallet knife set. 

Although I’m still creating items that are edge to edge with color and imagery, I still have a strong desire to explore abstract work. These knives will come in handy. There’s such freedom in abstract work but I want to have more control over the media and to create more distinct textures. I believe my primary interest in abstract work is to create abstract seascapes and oceanscapes. A blogger and I agreed that painting water is calming and it draws you in. I love that feeling. 

It’s interesting to see my art change over the years. Although I still paint and draw edge to edge type work and I still pump out paintings created with tea and berries, there’s a drive for more exploration in abstract art.  Continue reading “Pallet Knives Needed”

Doll House and Tree Art

A soft white rabbit with a rose colored dress sits beside my very first doll house.

My First Doll House - available

Art Title: “My First Doll House”
Art By: Faith Magdalene Austin
Media: HP ink, acrylic and ink on acrylic paper with small grain
Paper size: 11.5 x 8
Painting size: 5 x 6.25 inches
Finish: signed, unmounted, unsealed
Style: Illustration
Continue reading “Doll House and Tree Art”

Art in a Book

I chose the book The Heart is a Lonely Hunter from the shelf. I painted the front and back a solid color then painted pages white. Each day I painted a few more pages white until I had several I could use to write or draw on. So far it’s been very fun.

Art from a 6 x 9 recycled book.

Please remember that there’s a Sundrip sale going on until December.
Coupon Code for 35% off everything at Sundrip Etsy until December, 2016

Contact me for financial alternatives. We’ll work together to bring original art to your home.


What is Innocence?

A person can’t live in this world and be innocent. It took me a long time to understand what innocence means. The day it was taken from me I understood the meaning of fear and began to question trust. The day it was taken from me and the subsequent assaults that held it before me like a worm on a hook, I began to understand what it means to be vulnerable and without control over my environment, helpless, completely dependent on others for my safety. I understood what it meant to be worthless and bad. When I was innocent I had no concept of these things. That’s what innocence is, having no reason to doubt, fear or question the stability of your little world.

Innocent is a mirror before it’s broken.

Continue reading “What is Innocence?”