Recycle Plastic Bag Holder Doll

I wanted something cuter than a regular plastic bag holder  so I added an African-American rag doll with angel wings to a bag I already had.  The doll itself is hand stitched and hand painted. I painted her skin with burnt umber oil paints then allowed it to dry. She was heat treated then sealed. I then added facial features and hair from a doll purchased forever ago. I have to say I like the finished product. I think what I like about her is she has a slight primitive appeal.  I really like primitive black dolls but for this project I only wanted soft prim.

My plastic bag holder is currently hanging by the door so I can remember to return the bags for recycling when I go back to the store.

Thanks for visiting SUNDRIP – Art for Life


2 thoughts on “Recycle Plastic Bag Holder Doll

  1. Very cool idea. I’ve had a plastic bag holder for many years, boring, and I think I’ll try your idea out. But I’m gonna use a head of off a doll already made. I just saw some dolls up at The Goodwill Outlet yesterday. Yay.
    How you doen girl. I’m fine. Finally got it in my head that I have been wasting my time with my on again off again fiance. 4 years is enough time to know. Is we or aint we. Now i’m just spending much time with family and computer stuff.. Smile..

  2. Goodwill and second hand stores are great for doll parts. The bag I used is from the ugliest doll bag holder EVER. I wanted her clothing so I paid the one dollar asked for her. I removed her horridness and added my own doll. 🙂 It’s the ultimate way to recycle eh? The one I made looks so much better in person. I suck when it comes to photographing my dolls.

    I don’t seem to be on the net as much as before. I’m sort of hit and miss anymore I think.

    I’m gonna have to say 4 years is long enough to know is we is or is we ain’t.

No need to feel nervous, comment if you'd like.