Sisters in the Sun

Wow, talk about letting your imagination fly and colors flow. Sisters in the Sun is a combination of geometic shapes, African animals then throws them together with cubism, surrealism and figurative styles. Some may see it as all over the styles while others will understand it to ’embrace’ the styles and celebrate them all.

Painting stats: 12×12 textured card stock paper, mounted on black foam-core, cubism, surreal, African, sunflowers, black faces, figurative art in oil, acrylic and ink. Some details have been embossed.

Please see my Etsy shop on the sidebar for purchase details.

Five Sisters

Five Sisters SOLDSOLD

Five Sisters shows young African dressed woman standing in a burst of white light a top a flowing turquoise and deep blue hill. This is a high texture painting with some features embossed. Some areas of the painting were treated so that the paint would crackle. Movement, energy, womanhood and togetherness all come together in this painting called Five Sisters.

Painting Details: Faceless figures in African style dress, turquoise brush strokes, gold, red, royal purple, orange, ivory white light, high texture.
8×12 textured paper, acrylic, ink, wood crackling medium, sealed, signed, mounted.


You may purchase via my Etsy shop or directly through PayPal. My contact and PayPal address is on the sidebar as is the link to the Etsy shop. Thank you for visiting SUNDRIP – Art for Life

On the Rocks: A Fish Tale


Friday evening I began to worry about my big fish Jocelyn because she was hovering above the rocks at the bottom of the tank. I went over in my head what could possibly be wrong with her. Old age isn’t the problem. Able to live up to 25 years she’s just a youngster at age six. She’s not been over fed, she’s not bloated, her bladder is healthy, what’s wrong? Usually the big fish is graceful and playful as she swims wit her two tank makes, but something has changed, something is off.

Continue reading “On the Rocks: A Fish Tale”

Rochelle’s Dream – A Tin Foil Painting

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A little Caribbean girl’s dream is played out on 4×3 inch tin foil.
The foil was allowed to keep its “wrinkled” shape which adds texture and character to the piece.

Painting Details: Gold leaf dress, brightly colored headdress, small black ponytail, tall white flowers, blue and purple sky, big yellow sun and a small little happy girl skipping through rainbow colors at her feet.

Please see my Etsy shop sidebar link for purchase details.

Thank you for visiting SUNDRIP – Art for Life

Pull to Pieces

Sold on 12/29/10 .

Pull to Pieces is a small oil painting (5 x 7) created with the aide of a toothpick. One of the fun things about this painting is that it is painted whole and strong at the top but it begins to crack and mute towards the bottom.

Continue reading “Pull to Pieces”

The Rose

This high texture piece was incredibly fun. I started off by treating watercolor paper by alternating between water sprays and white spray paint. I then painted the mountain with a gold tip. Before it was completely dry I pressed the entire painting against a dry sheet of paper. This press is how I was able to get an earthy texture. The last thing I did was add the rose in full bloom at the mountain’s summit.

Continue reading “The Rose”

When A Bolder Blew Through

This painting is from a dream I had yesterday evening. A man and I argued about how I’m the one who put a bolder in front of me and I’m the one who needs to move it.  There’s a hint of the man up in the corner standing over two small figures.

watercolor on white poster board, 5 x 6 inches

Spring of Youth in watercolor

Spring of Youth was created on watercolor paper with ink, crayola crayons and crayola markers. In addition to the stated media there are small details completed in pigmented glue.

The painting shows a little girl with big blue river like eyes walking through a field/forest while carrying and infant. There are two huge full sunflowers, small vines and small daisy flowers around her. She has a tree growing from her black hair and her arms are made of wood, her clothes made of sack cloth.

Spring of Youth is available in my Etsy shop. Please see my sidebar for the link.

Thank you visiting Sundrip – Art for Life


She sings my tune, she knows all the words

A little birdie came to tell but I already knew.

“She sings my tune, she knows all the words” is black folk art depicting a young black girl with a white bird on her shoulder sharing secrets. This original mixed media painting was created on 6×9 paper in oils, watercolor and ink. What I like about this painting is the small treble clefs in pink on the sheet music fence and the rainbow colors that wind behind it. She’s got the sun beaming in yellow and orange behind her and a white flower beside her. This folk art piece is simple and pleasing with bright colors and traditional symbolism.

Please see my Etsy shop for purchase details. The link is on the sidebar.

Thanks for visiting SUNDRIP,
