My Sister’s Keeper

My Sisters Keeper - SOLD

I couldn’t decide how to display the painting in this entry. There’s so much to it that I worried I’d leave out an important detail. The reason I like this painting is because of the details. The children are the focus of the painting but each raindrop of color, each stream rains with importance to the whole of the painting. It was a very emotional piece to paint.

I wanted one child struggling and being lead but I wanted the leader to also show her weariness. Together they’d walk as sister’s and friends holding on … holding on. This is not about their suffering but their triumph. My Sister’s Keeper is about partnership, friendship and dedication.  

SIZE: 15.5 x 15.5 inches canvas sheet professionally mounted on black mat board.

MEDIUM: Acrylic, ink, wax
DETAILS: This painting is an inspired art piece. Its taken from parts of my past, current life and hope for my future. It’s about moving forward, walking with purpose and standing with grace. Two child figures walk through a forest raining colors. The hair of the children is spiked like the sun. One child has a tree wrapped around her and is being lead by her sister who holds a tree straight up into the light. From the tree drips orange, turquoise and cobalt blue. Both children partially fade into the dripping paint yet they emerge strong and clear. They walk together as sisters.

For purchase details please see my Etsy shop as linked to on the sidebar. You may also purchase via PayPal. Please contact me by using my email address provided in the contact section of the sidebar. SOLD
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Until again,

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