It’s a Good Day

This painting was even more simple before it’s final brush strokes. The Good Day fmayoung woman at first stood at the top of a hill and with courage looked down at what could be if only she had the courage to take the first few steps. This version, the final, shows her at the bottom of the hill in a flowery meadow, walking about the landscape of a Grand Artist.

When I first tried to upload the painting, the original version, I had the hardest time in the world getting the colors to translate. The grass was never yellow, there wasn’t that much white in the sky and there was more blue for certain. I couldn’t get it the colors to translate. I liked the painting though so I sat it aside. 

Things changed for me so I figured, the purpose was for the little girl to get to the bottom of the hill to something greater so why not put her in the place she took courage to go? So I did and that’s how ‘A New Sun’ turned into “It’s a Good Day.”

It’s a good day is on a 5.5 x 4 inch pastel colored painting on paper. She is detailed, wispy and beautiful. Why its so difficult to upload the true image is beyond me. Perhaps her true face is saved for those who see her in person.

Click sidebar link to Etsy for all available work for sale. Please remember, many print options can be found by visiting my print gallery at Redbubble.

Thank you,

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