White Tree Blue Sky

I was on a kick with trees. This is the 3rd of 4 trees first created with tea stains then colored in.

white tree blue sky fma

What I like about this tree is the way the bare white stands off the blue back drop. I also like the gradient of red, yellow and orange which is divided rather abruptly by the white bark.  Tiny details can be seen here and there. There are small white flowers, tiny blades of grass, shadows, textures and depth. Continue reading “White Tree Blue Sky”

Joyful Garden – A Saga

Joyful GardenI struggled with her. I couldn’t get the composition to sing, so I put the painting up and let it rest. Nearly a month later I took it out again and saw what it needed. I needed fresh eyes and a little boost, which inadvertently came from a fun conversation on Facebook. Note in the conversation the Star Trek tones. :-) I will simply do a cut/paste about Joyful Garden, a painting of acrylic and sawdust on canvas sheet.

Sundrip -Lets see how DRAMATIC I can make this.
Artists log: 9/2/13 Sundrip Star Station Awake
We left the station around 9am (station bed). The air was thick with heat, my tongue had dried to jerky through the night. Water, I needed water. After re-hydrating I began to calculate the day’s activities, for there is much to do. The sweeper has sat in its own dust for days, the dishes cry out for water, the plants are past watering. Yes, there is much to do today but my heart can only see the fulfillment of paint on canvas, of images beaming with color. Burnt orange will meet Chinese red and settle upon a light cream. From there a prism will burst forth into a natural symphony ringing notes that will bring the hardest of hearts to its knees. The sweeper will sit. The dishes will go undone. Art will be born.
Sundrip Star Station… Awake

Continue reading “Joyful Garden – A Saga”

Fire White Butterfly

White Fire Butterfly A fire white butterfly with wings wide open spans 4 inches on rich earth tone colors. Wine, turquoise, gold, burnt umber and a touch of burnt orange makes the butterfly really pop off the 5 x 7 canvas board. The wings have been tipped with powder blue and edged with gold.
Texture. Texture is key to this piece. I handmade the stamps that created the texture. By layering stamps with acrylic paint I was able to get a blend of colors that’s not too much and not too little.

With its matching mat it has an elegant appeal. Continue reading “Fire White Butterfly”

Gentle Peace a tea bag painting

Gentle Peace- SOLDI started this painting off with tea stains that I then painted in. I placed my reusable tea bag on the paper and left it there a few minutes. I moved it around here and there to leave spots and images. Once I was satisfied with the shapes I began to bring out the young girl who sits on top of the world.

Art title: Gentle Peace SOLD
Art by. F. Magdalene Austin
Size: 9×6 inches on heavyweight paper, art journal piece
Medium: Acrylic, ink, Indian tea, Caylon black

Continue reading “Gentle Peace a tea bag painting”

Sisters on Vacation

sisters on vacation

The little sister to the big sister says,
I’m mom’s favorite
Big sister: What? No you’re not
Little sister: Sure I am, she told me just yesterday.
Big sister: She can’t like you too much, she made you come out here in the middle of nowhere in this blazing heat.
Little sister: I can’t argue with that.


Playful, colorful and fun is two sisters laying around on a lazy day in the sun. The big sister looks so annoyed by her sibling’s so-called family status and strikes to burst her bubble with a bit of reality. Family vacations, they’re only fun when you cartoon them.

Painting details: High texture, high color, solid black faces, exaggerated features such as ears and eyes, large eye lashes, floral buttons, polka dots and swirling water.

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Copyright 2009-2010 Sundrip Journals

Garage Sale Gone Wrong

Garage Sale Gone WrongWe all know one, love one, a person who can’t walk away from a garage sale. She’ll turn the car around in the middle of the street or leap over fences to grab a cheap doodad.  There we are spectators in her compulsion. Helpless to stop her we choke on the dust she leaves behind as she dives for that very special doily.  Thirty-five cents, a quarter, the sound of such words makes her drool. Will she ever stop? Is there help for her? Will there ever be a Garage Sale Support Group for people addicted to other people’s junk sitting on the side of the road? If there is such a group surely they can help the woman in this painting who totally lost control when the homeowner extended her sale by one day.

Title: Garage Sale Gone Wrong
Art by: F. Magdalene Austin

*Currently available in greeting card form on Redbubble. See my sidebar for the link.*

Swan and Star

Swan and Star

From the beak you can see this is a male swan, a cob. His arms are stretched wide where a star bounces from his wing and spreads light across the sky.

Title: Swan and Star (this and all image on SUNDRIP are copyright protected)
Art by: F. Magdalene Austin

*All gallery pages are listed on the sidebar*