She’s been a long time coming. I don’t know why it took so long to finish her but, here she is. I present to you, ‘Sweet Anna Bell – Ugly Girl.’
Scribbled on the back of the paper she’s painted on dated June 10, 2013, I wrote:
She’s tall, skinny and lanky. She’s wearing second hand clothes and second hand shoes. She knows she’s ugly. She doesn’t need to be reminded, yet they do, as if somehow it’ll change things. Sweet Anna Bell – Ugly Girl.
Verbal abuse is what that is and what this sweet child holds the bruises of. But notice this, her eyes look up, not down in shame. If you look at them closer you’ll notice hope shining. She holds her head up. She hopes. The edges of her mouth turn up in a slight smile. She hopes.
No matter what bad thing she is called or who has the audacity to say it, she is and always will be sweet, sweet Anna Bell.
Art Title: Sweet Anna Bell – Ugly Girl. Â SOLD
Art by: Faith Magdalene Austin
For extra descriptions about the color pallet, techniques and art mediums, please see my Etsy shop linked to on the sidebar.
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